
Evidence-Based Practices are the integration of clinical expertise, external scientific evidence, and client/patient/caregiver values to provide high-quality services reflecting the interests, values, needs, and choices of the individuals we serve. Lincoln Behavioral Services provides many of these including PSR, ACT, DBT, PSH, PMTO, IPS, PET, CET, Seeking Safety and co-occurring services.

CET Cleveland – Cognitive Enhancement Therapy

Cognitive Enhancement Therapy (CET) is an Evidence-Based Practice designed to help people with schizophrenia and related cognitive disorders improve brain and cognitive development, social cognition, and increase vocational capabilities. Cognition is the major source of disability for persons who are recovering from mental illnesses and CET targets cognitive deficits that limit recovery.

Benefits of CET include:

  • Processing speed/ability to respond to others promptly
  • Cognition/thinking (attention, memory, problem-solving)
  • Social cognition (the ability to interact wisely with others)
  • Meaningful roles (e.g. employment)
  • Self-management of mental health and physical health
  • Adjustment to and acceptance of disability

Trauma-focused Psychotherapy Groups

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy - DBT

DBT is a comprehensive, evidence-supported treatment for borderline personality disorder (BPD). While DBT has the most empirical support for para-suicidal adults with BPD, recent findings support benefits to individuals with BPD and substance use disorders, persons who meet criteria for a binge-eating disorder, and depressed elderly patients. Key components of treatment include focusing on emotions in treatment, consistent dialectical philosophy, and mindfulness and acceptance-oriented interventions. The comprehensive DBT treatment consists of weekly individual therapy sessions, weekly skills training group, and after-hours phone coaching. All DBT practitioners are trained and certified through the State of Michigan. According to DBT developer, Marsha Linehan, Ph.D., The overarching goal of treatment with DBT is to help individuals develop, “a life worth living.”

Prolonged Exposure Therapy-PE

PE teaches individuals to gradually approach trauma-related memories, feelings, and situations that have been avoided since the traumatic event(s). By confronting these challenges, individuals can decrease PTSD symptoms. People with PTSD often try to avoid anything that reminds them of the trauma. This can help to feel better at the moment, but not in the long term. Avoiding these feelings and situations actually prevents an individual from recovering from PTSD. PE works by helping one to face their fears. By talking about the details of the trauma and by confronting safe situations that have been avoided, an individual can decrease symptoms of PTSD and regain more life control.

Seeking Safety

Seeking Safety is an evidence-based present-focused treatment model to help individuals attain safety from trauma and/or substance abuse. Conducted in male-specific and female-specific groups, it is an extremely safe model as it directly addresses both trauma and addiction without requiring clients to engage in a trauma narrative (the detailed account of disturbing trauma memories), thus making it relevant to a very broad range of individuals.